Take these 3 necessary steps to stand out from the crowd and be the best candidate for your dream Remote Job


3 things you should do if you are looking a remote job

Photo by Domenico Loia at Unsplash

Searching for a job is hard enough but when you are thinking about a remote job, the whole scene can seem even tougher If you are a fresh graduate without many connections in the industry you are looking for, it might be hard for you to even get started. Even if you are a few years into your career, finding the right remote job, preparing yourself for it, and landing the job can be daunting.

So, if you don’t know how to get started finding your first remote job, here are the 3 things you have to do:


1) Build a Standout Resume


Your resume in most cases is the first contact point for the recruiter. Someone who has no idea about you should get a quality first impression from your resume. But it is important to understand that recruiters see hundreds of resumes for the same post.

You have 1-2 mins to stand out from the crowd. The resume should be precise, and to the point but detail your core competence. Try to highlight the skillsets or experiences that are the most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Have visual representation in your resume which helps the recruiter understand your competence for any particular skill set. Especially if you are an expert on something, highlight how you are better than most other candidates.

Take the following resume as an example. To the point and relevant skill sets and experience shared precisely. You can add your picture but it’s not a prerequisite.


Remote job resume example

Resume by Freepik


2) Make projects and upload them to GitHub


If you are a computer science graduate or software developer, there is nothing that makes your case just like the projects you have done. Beyond any theoretical knowledge, and university grades; what stands out the most is what you can actually do and what you have already done.

Put all the theoretical knowledge to use and start developing small products. Be it a website, android/iOS app, or an API that can help others grow, build it out and publish it. Only developing something is not enough. You need to put it out there for everyone to see and check.

Having some amazing products or projects is the easiest way to convince a recruiter of your capabilities. Try to have a portfolio of either a wide range of projects showcasing different skill sets or a deep understanding of one topic. The more you are going for a senior position, the better it is to have expertise in one thing.

GitHub example to get remote job



3) Apply as much as you can

In the end, everything comes down to how many chances are you giving yourself. Today’s world is very competitive and so you have to do everything to increase your odds of becoming successful. There is nothing quite like the experience of going through different selection stages and a viva board. The more you experience these, the better you will be prepared to face the next challenge with more confidence.

Check out this tweet from Sergio Pereira, an experienced Software Engineer, CTO at Bulk MRO Industrial Supply and Remote Work Academy founder


But don’t just apply for the sake of it. Try to choose one domain and then look through different websites to find all the opportunities. You should keep an eye on  🌎 Remote Jobs or 🌎 Remote Job Only listing. Have a process in place. Try to learn from every rejection and see what you could have done better.

Don’t be afraid to be ambitious because you never know what can happen. Take each opportunity one at a time and don’t get disheartened if the first few don’t bear fruit. Always take feedback whenever you can. You can ask for an email from HR asking why you got rejected. Some might not get back and that’s fine but be prepared to go through the ones who take the time to give you feedback. 

Getting a remote job is a dream come true for a lot of people. It is a game of patience at times but your success probability depends on how well you prepare, how perfectly you present yourself, and how long you can keep on trying while improving yourself each time to be a bit better than the previous time. 



  1. Build a Standout Resume
  2. Make projects and upload them to GitHub
  3. Apply as much as you can